Death Rides a Horse, also known as Da uomo a uomo or As Man to Man, is a spaghetti western (Italian produced western) made in 1967. The film is about a boy named Bill Meceita who survives the brutal robbery and murder of his family and sets out on a quest for revenge years later. Bill meets up with an ex-convict named Ryan, played by Lee Van Cleef, who was double crossed by the same gang that murdered Meceita’s family. The two cross paths often as they are on a similar quest, cooperating occasionally, but more often at odds. The film holds up well against many American westerns and outshines a lot of other spaghetti westerns. The film contains solid, often amusing, dialogue and action. I actually found the music in this film to be fairly enjoyable as well, adding to the mood of many scenes. Overall I found the film a worthwhile experience, one I could definitely recommend to a fan of westerns, or even action films in general.
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